Sunday Services

Join Rev. Elvis Bruce SheasbyDwain Sands & friends for an inspirational time of message and music. Your Grace Land  Sunday Services are inspirational, relaxed, informal, refreshing and will lift your Spirit!

Our services are non-denominational, Spirit led, Biblically inspired and reinforce our Inspirational Core Values ™.  We are a movement of grace, hope and compassion; bridging to a better tomorrow, and respecting the dignity and uniqueness of each person.

Sunday Services include: • Your Grace Land  Opry – a mini concert with inspirational Country and Gospel music • Breathing Meditation & The Lord’s Prayer • Bible reading and Message • Congregational singing • Blessing

Spiritual Prosperity is one of the Inspirational Core Values ™ at Your Grace Land.  As Jesus said “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Rev. Bruce has prepared a study guide for all members at Your Grace Land including a CD with ten 5-minute Spiritual Prosperity Meditations.

Please email for updated service times and locations!